Selasa, 09 November 2010

SK & Co

Starting at April 2009, with only three person, my partner Ridwan, and Rianto (Agus) as our messenger. Started with only 1 Fixed Corporate Client, 10 individual client and two audit Client. Feels so hard when remember the past, our struggling to survive make the three of us stronger. Nobody support us, must survive by our self, and until now, November 2010. Quite amazing and incredible, and the most thing I believe that God still have many patient to give all the bless to us (and to me especially), rarely to pray, rarely to go to church, just trying to build this small and tiny firm and always ask to God to help us.

Almost unbelievable, 40 fixed corporate client, 10 audit client, 100 individual client, 10 strong potential fixed corporate client, 5 corporate yearly project and still coming many potential big client. Our small and tiny firm now have 12 person work with us in just less than 2 years? And if I can pass my CPA exam last month, we will have our new own Public Accounting Firm. Thanks to God for the bless, I don't think I have that capability to build such kind of network. Thanks to many of my colleagues and friends that help us to build this firm (especially Ridwan and Agus during our hard time).

Many dispute with several old friend, hopefully, we can back to be friend again.

Life is so difficult, very hard to please every one, very tired with everything, must learn so many things to survive, sometimes I want to throw everything that I build to trash, hopefully the life will become better and better in the future.